Your Well-Being Is in Good Hands
Archangel Michael
Protector and guardian for all beings, always willing to assist and provide high dimensional support.
Consciousness Technology
Archangel Metatron
Master of the mind, one of the most powerful angels asking us to humble ourselves and receive his guiding energies
Unconditional love and support
This guy
Responsible for the humanity's evolution through unconditional support and Christ consciousness.
Creativity Creation and Potential
Divine Feminine
Already anchored in 5th dimensional consciousness and won the battle between light and dark awaiting our integration of her reality.
Violet Flame Initiation
Master Saint Germaine
Assisting mental reparation with his violet flame and mastery over intuitive and energetic domains of the universe.
Animal Spirit Guardians
Animal Spirit Kingdom
Representing all the animal consciousnesses making up the animal kingdom.
Unable to find a sentence that sums it up
Whatever your experience with him/her or whatever label you prefer, the "thing" is beyond all concepts and loves us wholly and unconditionally.
Interconnecting all phenomena and us
The Universe
Assisting us to be connected, grow and evolve on all levels that exist in all dimensions.